Display System
Corpoate Splash Screen
The MiView Communications Hub on startup can display a configurable Splash Screen of all of the diffrent locations the application is installed.
Internet News Feeds
The MiView Communications Hub can display any Internet based RSS news feeds e.g. BBC news, but this can be configured by an Administrator.
PowerPoint Documents, Word Documents and PDF Files
The MiView Communications Hub can display any Microsoft PowerPoint Document, Word Document, and PDF Files that are uploaded into playlists for easy navigation by the user. Playlists will cycle automatically if there is no user interaction.
Playlist can be displayed at one localing or multiple locations.
Easy to Navigate Control Panel
The MiView Communications Hub has everything is displayed within the main frame of the application this making navigation of the diplay very easy to use, All command can be selected using a simple process of point and select.
Local News
The MiView Communications Hub can Display Local Company News this news if fully customizable by the Admin system. New items can also be configured as to which locations they appear.
Play Video Files
The MiView Communications Hub ties in with any video playing application that is installed on the host computer, this alows, the Commications Hub to play almost any video format.
Admin System
Manage Access
Within the Administration system of the Communications Hum, Users Can be setup as either standard users or Admin users.
PowerPoint documents, Word documents and PDF Files
Microsoft PowerPoint Documents, Word Documents, and PDF files can be uploaded so they can be stored at a single point to be displayed over multiple locations.
Not only PowerPoint, Word and PDFs can be uploaded to the system, Video Files, Photo Files and Web Pages can be uploaded to de displayed on the Communications Hub Main Display.
Add and Edit Profiles
Administrative Users can create additional profiles for users as well as setting up Playlists and RSS feeds.
Manage Playlists
All Files that are uploaded in to the sytem can be added to a playlist and reorded depending on the preferred order of playing .
Manage Local News
Local Company News can be full controlled via the Admin system, news can be plain text or HTML, and displayed on multiple chosen locations